We curate and co-create events designed for knowledge sharing, collaboration and creative interaction.


Community breakfast

Friday, August 16 08 - 09 Pir Cowork

Welcome to community breakfast. We start our day together on the 2nd floor with a light breakfast serving and good talks. Sign up link will be published here.

Sign up

Jugend pre party

Friday, August 16 15 - 17 Pir Cowork

We meet up before heading to the Jugend Festival together. Bring your friends and meet us at the 6th floor. The bar is open ✌️

Get your Jugend tickets

Let's talk about global growth

Tuesday, August 20 11 - 13 Pir Cowork - Event Space 1st floor

We invite you to a three-course lunch focusing on global growth. During the lunch, three issues will be discussed. The exact issues presented will be sent to you in advance. We are excited to gather people and present key challenges related to internationalization. More information will follow.

Save me a seat

A mindful morning

Tuesday, September 03 09 - 10 Pir Cowork

We are preparing for World Mental Health Day. In collaboration with ADVISO and Mestre, we invite all Pir members to three sessions focused on our very important mental health. The gatherings will address digital anxiety, attention, and concentration. You will gain awareness of how stress and digital disturbances affect the body and get inspired to make positive choices both at work and in your personal life. Hanne Suorza from Mestre will guide us through sessions where we focus on our own thoughts and the art of disconnecting. Register for one or all of the sessions. All sessions are sponsored by ADVISO.

Sign up


Tuesday, September 03 18 - 21 Pir Cowork

Fund er et nettverk som legger til rette for at investorer møtes. Målet er å løfte frem neste generasjon næringsliv. - Skaper et bredt investormiljø - Synliggjør investeringsmuligheter i oppstarts- og vekstbedrifter - Investorsamlinger for deling av nettverk og kompetanse

Les mer og påmelding

After (Co)Work - Rooftop edition

Thursday, September 05 16 - 21 6th floor Lounge

Afterwork to the 6th floor lounge and invite other companies in Ålesund to join us. Dampsentralen is setting up a bar with light refreshments, and a DJ will set the beats. End your workday, bring your colleagues and come hang with our community and other after-workers.

Presentation of Fontenehuset during lunch

Tuesday, September 10 11 - 12 Pir Cowork

Join us in the 2nd floor lounge with your lunch. Fontenehuset will be there to share insights about their work in helping people who have fallen out of society reintegrate into active and social participation.

I want to join

Systems Thinking for Everyone - an event by Itera

Wednesday, September 11 11 - 13 Pir Cowork 2nd Floor

Daniel in Itera invites to a 1-hour introduction where you will learn about the origins of systems thinking, wicked problems, systems structure and systems dynamics. Event will be held in English, and is open for anyone, in any discipline, in any domain. Itera is also sponsoring snacks and drinks. It is free to participate but you must reserve a place as there are limited places.

Read more & sign up

Community breakfast

Friday, September 20 08 - 09 Pir Cowork

Welcome to community breakfast. We start our day together on the 2nd floor with a light breakfast serving and good talks. Sign up link will be published here.

A mindful morning

Tuesday, September 24 09 - 10 Pir Cowork

We are preparing for World Mental Health Day. In collaboration with ADVISO and Mestre, we invite all Pir members to three sessions focused on our very important mental health. The gatherings will address digital anxiety, attention, and concentration. You will gain awareness of how stress and digital disturbances affect the body and get inspired to make positive choices both at work and in your personal life. Hanne Suorza from Mestre will guide us through sessions where we focus on our own thoughts and the art of disconnecting. Register for one or all of the sessions. All sessions are sponsored by ADVISO.

Sign up

After (Co)Work - Rooftop edition

Thursday, October 03 16 - 21 6th floor Lounge

Afterwork to the 6th floor lounge and invite other companies in Ålesund to join us. Dampsentralen is setting up a bar with light refreshments, and a DJ will set the beats. End your workday, bring your colleagues and come hang with our community and other after-workers.

A mindful morning

Tuesday, October 15 09 - 10 Pir Cowork

We are preparing for World Mental Health Day. In collaboration with ADVISO and Mestre, we invite all Pir members to three sessions focused on our very important mental health. The gatherings will address digital anxiety, attention, and concentration. You will gain awareness of how stress and digital disturbances affect the body and get inspired to make positive choices both at work and in your personal life. Hanne Suorza from Mestre will guide us through sessions where we focus on our own thoughts and the art of disconnecting. Register for one or all of the sessions. All sessions are sponsored by ADVISO.

Sign up

Community breakfast

Friday, October 18 08 - 09 Pir Cowork

Welcome to community breakfast. We start our day together on the 2nd floor with a light breakfast serving and good talks. Sign up link will be published here.


After (Co)Work - Rooftop edition

Thursday, November 07 16 - 21 6th floor Lounge

Afterwork to the 6th floor lounge and invite other companies in Ålesund to join us. Dampsentralen is setting up a bar with light refreshments, and a DJ will set the beats. End your workday, bring your colleagues and come hang with our community and other after-workers.

Community breakfast

Friday, November 15 08 - 09 Pir Cowork

Welcome to community breakfast. We start our day together on the 2nd floor with a light breakfast serving and good talks. Sign up link will be published here.



Tuesday, December 03 16 - 21 Pir Cowork

Fund er et nettverk som legger til rette for at investorer møtes. Målet er å løfte frem neste generasjon næringsliv. - Skaper et bredt investormiljø - Synliggjør investeringsmuligheter i oppstarts- og vekstbedrifter - Investorsamlinger for deling av nettverk og kompetanse

After (Co)Work - Rooftop edition

Thursday, December 05 16 - 21 6th floor Lounge

Afterwork to the 6th floor lounge and invite other companies in Ålesund to join us. Dampsentralen is setting up a bar with light refreshments, and a DJ will set the beats. End your workday, bring your colleagues and come hang with our community and other after-workers.

Pir Christmas Party (for members & friends)

Friday, December 06 18 - 23 Pir Cowork - 6th floor Lounge

Time to jingle and mingle with our Pir Community! The party will be held at the 6th floor Lounge. Time: Friday, December 6th. More info and sign up link will come.

Community breakfast

Friday, December 13 08 - 09 Pir Cowork

Welcome to community breakfast. We start our day together on the 2nd floor with a light breakfast serving and good talks. Sign up link will be published here.